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Logo of GAAAP_ The Blog. Copyright: Jiré Emine Gözen

GAAAP_ The Blog

GAAAP_ The Blog

Editorial (in English)


We announce with great pleasure our takeover of the Gender Blog of the Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft. This blog, initiated in 2016 by Ulrike Bergermann and later co-edited by Kathrin Peters, will undergo a rebranding while maintaining its essence.

From now on, the Gender Blog will be called GAAAP_ The Blog and thus address the intersectional entanglements to which the contributions are dedicated: Gender, anti-racism and anti-Semitism critique, anti-ableism, anti-capitalism, and postcoloniality. Of course, not necessarily in this order and not necessarily in this exclusivity, but always guided by questions, practices, and politics of Gender Studies critical of racism and anti-Semitism, Intersectional Black Studies, Disability Studies, Postcolonial Theories, and decolonization of Gender Studies in the field of media and cultural studies.

At the same time, it is necessary to revisit the "old underlines" to confront the illusion of progress. The ongoing discussions surrounding the gender gap illustrate how deeply entrenched the discourse pulls us into the past, a time we had hoped to leave behind with the onset of the 21st century. So, we return and rediscover the line that forms the underscore. In doing so, we must also engage in self-criticism, reflecting on what we missed or failed to establish politically back then – in the context of Gender (Media) Studies. In this sense, we do not claim to do anything better or attempt to fill gaps retroactively. Instead, we want to take into account the shifts within Media Studies and the recently articulated impulses for self-critical engagement of Gender (Media) Studies with GAAAP_ The Blog.

The claim to (re)present the blog with GAAAP_ The Blog responds – quite ironically – to right-wing conservative ways of presenting Gender Studies as an ideology and megalomaniac discipline. Recognizing that there has been little significant progress in canonizing, endowing, and thereby recognizing intersectional Gender Media Studies, the underline continuously addresses this gap. The underline creates space for critical speculation because it cares about those who have been discriminated against, criminalized, excluded and dehumanized in the past that is our present. This has the disadvantage of always having to scientifically and analytically confront what is believed to be part of the past within the present, but also the advantage of exploring new possibilities for the future.

In our endeavor to engage in this caring speculation with the gap, we are modifying the blog's program. To kick off the week, we invite you to procrastinate. Every Monday, we will publish a post alternating between the four categories: "Check this out," "Go there," "Longer read," and "Take care." We welcome ideas, submissions, and tips from you. Moreover, we are excited to connect with you! 😊

Bevorzugte Zitationsweise

Gözen, Jiré Emine; Köppert, Katrin: GAAAP_ The Blog. Editorial (in English). In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, ZfM Online, GAAAP_ The Blog, , https://zfmedienwissenschaft.de/en/node/1733.

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