Videography Evelyn Kreutzer Kathleen Loock Anna-Sophie Philippi Maike Sarah Reinerth Editorial issue #1 epistemology issue #2 politics issue #3 pedagogy Videography #4 #polyphony sound and music mehr darüber
Videography Oswald Iten Sensous and Affective The Potential of Videography for Studying Audio-Visual Relations sound studies artistic research videographic process issue #1 epistemology mehr darüber
Videography Maria Hofmann laterally Nomadland documentary fictionality issue #1 epistemology mehr darüber
Videography Farzaneh Yazdandoost Arbitrary Motion: accidentally / on purpose puppet animation arbitrary motion Wes Anderson issue #1 epistemology mehr darüber
Videography Christine Reeh-Peters Über die epistemologischen Eigenschaften des bewegten Bildes film-philosophy film and thought Gilles Deleuze issue #1 epistemology mehr darüber
Videography Alan O’Leary Nebular Epistemics Ein Glossar (Scholarship Like a Spider or Spit) deformative criticism illustrated lecture creativity constraints issue #1 epistemology mehr darüber
Videography Evelyn Kreutzer Johannes Binotto Ein Manifest für videografische Verletzlichkeit vulnerability personal mode videographic process issue #1 epistemology mehr darüber