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Nightingale, Sam

Sam Nightingale is an artist-researcher (Royal College of Art & Goldsmiths, London) working within environmental media. He uses creative methodologies to re-imagine and re-image the spectral-material complexities of settler colonialism, extractivism and their ongoing environmental impact on human and more-than-human worlds. Recent publications: together with Bridget Crone, Polly Stanton (eds.): Fieldwork for Future Ecologies: Radical Practice for Art and Art-based Research (Onomatopee) 2022; Attuning to the Politics and Poetics of Seaweed in the Hebrides, in: Foundry, June 2023, uchri.org/foundry/attuning-to-the-politics-and-poetics-of-seaweed-in-the-hebrides-copy (14.12.2023). Invitations/collaborations include «Sites of Scattering» – Lüderitz, Namibia; «Ecology of Senses» – Bioart Society, Finland; California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles. www.samnightingale.com.
