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Entangled Epistemologies. Arbeiten von Rey Chow

Abstract (Deutsch)

Besprochene Bücher:

Paul Bowman (Hg.), The Rey Chow Reader, New York (Columbia Univ. Press) 2010.

Paul Bowman, Reading Rey Chow: Visuality, Postcoloniality, Ethnicity, Sexuality, New York u. a. (Peter Lang) 2013.

Rey Chow, The Protestant Ethnic and the Spirit of Capitalism, New York (Columbia Univ. Press) 2002.

Dies., The Age of the World Target: Self / Referentiality in War, Theory and Comparative Work, Durham NC, London (Duke Univ. Press) 2006.

Dies., Entanglements, or: Transmedial Thinking about Capture, Durham NC, London (Duke Univ. Press) 2012.

Bevorzugte Zitationsweise:

Bergermann, Ulrike: Entangled Epistemologies. Arbeiten von Rey Chow. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft. Jg. 6, Heft 10 (1/2014): Zehn, 172–176. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/1163.

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